Flints from Holmbury Hill

Dr Alan Massey, now an Honorary Fellow of Loughborough University, lived for many years in Surrey and collected a large number of unpatinated struck and worked flints from the edge of Holmbury Hill Car Park 1 (TQ 098 432).

A selection from this collection was recently given to David Williams, Surrey Finds Liaison Officer, for analysis. This has now been completed. From an assemblage of just over 400 flints there were 28 identifiable items which included 20 scrapers and a few blade flakes. There were 380 pieces of flint waste.

On the basis of the tool forms this assemblage can only be broadly assigned to the Neolithic/Bronze Age. It has been found in one specific area which may indicate the presence of a site, especially since Dr Massey reports finding no other such concentrations on Holmbury Hill.

For the full list of the analysed collection and more detail from correspondence with Dr Massey contact the Prehistoric Group at info@surreyarchaeology.org.uk or at Castle Arch.

Thanks are due to Jenny Newell without whose dining room this could not have been achieved, also Judie English, Roger Ellaby, Robin Tanner, Chris Taylor, Ken Waters and Keith Winser.

Rose Hooker and David Williams