New Items
April 2015
(Classification in Bold at the end)
Grey Literature
Archaeological Solutions
Staines Preparatory School, 3-5 Gresham Road, Staines, Surrey, TW18 2BT: an archaeological desk-based assessment, by Megan Stoakley, February 2012 F31 STI
Parkside Studio House, Church Street, Sunbury, Surrey, TW16 6RG: an archaeological desk-based impact assessment, by Andrew Peachey, September 2010 F31 SUN
Archaeology South-East
An archaeological evaluation at Monkton Lane, Farnham, Surrey, by Nick Garland, July 2010 F31 FRN
An archaeological watching brief on land at Hambledon and Wormley first time sewerage scheme, Surrey, by Deon Whittaker, May 2010 F31 WIT
An archaeological excavation at the Witley Recycling Centre, Petworth Road, Witley, Surrey, GU8 5QW, by Giles Dawkes, August 2010 F31 WIT
An archaeological evaluation on land at Foxlease, Upper Court Road, Woldingham, Surrey, CR3 7BF, by Dylan Hopkinson, June 2011 F31 WOL
CgMs Consulting
Archaeological field evaluation report: land at 83-89 London Road, Burpham, Guildford, Surrey, by Alexis Haslam, January 2006 F31 WOR
L~P: Archaeology
Archaeological desk based assessment Warreners, St. George’s Hill, Weybridge, by Andrew Dufton, December 2010 F31 WEY
Archaeological evaluation report Warreners, St. George’s Hill, Weybridge, by Cornelius Barton, November 2011 F31 WEY
Museum of London Archaeology
Abinger Hammer proposed EDF cable route, County of Surrey: archaeological desk-based assessment, by Rupert Featherby, January 2009 F31 AB
Wootton, Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP, county of Surrey: evaluation report, by David Saxby, February 2011 F31 ESH
Holmwood Common proposed EDF cable route near Dorking, County of Surrey: archaeological desk-based assessment, by Louise Davies, September 2008 F31 HLM
41 Copsem Lane, Oxshott, County of Surrey: archaeological impact assessment, by Pat Miller, December 2005 F31 ST.D
The Dell, Locke King Road, Weybridge, Surrey: report on the archaeological evaluation, by Heather Knight, November 2010 F31 WEY
EDF cable route, Greensand Way, Wotton, County of Surrey: archaeological desk-based assessment, by Helen Dawson, October 2008 F31 WOT
EDF cable route, Coombe Farm, Wotton, Surrey, County of Surrey: archaeological desk-based assessment, by Guillermo Molina Burguera, October 2008 F31 WOT
Pre-Construct Archaeology
A summary report on an archaeological watching brief during reburial at St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Mickleham, Surrey, by Stuart Watson, June 2010 F31 MIC
St James Church of England Primary School, Grotto Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8PL: an archaeological watching brief, by Kari Bower, May 2012 F31 WEY
An archaeological watching brief at St James Church of England Primary School, Grotto Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8PL, by Richard Humphrey, July 2010 F31 WEY
Thames Valley Archaeological Services
Land at Cuckoo Farm, Epsom Road, West Clandon, Surrey: an archaeological desk-based assessment for Interaction Ltd, by Tim Dawson, August 2011 F31 CL.W
Antiquity, volume 89 number 344, April 2015
Archaeology South-East Newsletter, number 2, April 2015
Ashtead Common Newsletter, issue 37, April 2015
British Archaeology, number 142, May/June 2015
Coulsdon Commons Newsletter, issue 37, April 2015
Croydon Natural History & Scientific Society Newsletter, number 48, April 2015
Current Archaeology, issue 302, May 2015
Dial Stone: the news sheet of Walton and Weybridge Local History Society, number 228, April 2015
Epsom & Ewell History & Archaeology Society Newsletter, 2015 issue 2, April 2015
GLIAS: Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society Newsletter, number 277, April 2015
Godalming Museum Newsletter, number 69, spring/summer 2015
Historic England Newsletter, April 2015
Historic England Research, Issue 1, April 2015
Kent Archaeological Field School Newsletter, number 8, Easter 2015
London Archaeologist, volume 14 number 4, spring 2015
Medieval Settlement Research, number 29, 2014
Open Spaces Society manifesto for the general election May 2105
Oxford Journal of Archaeology, volume 34 number 2 May 2015
Past: the newsletter of the Prehistoric Society, number 79, April 2015
The Richmond Local History Society Newsletter, number 89, April 2015
Send & Ripley History Society Journal, volume 7 number 241, March/April 2015
Southwark & Lambeth Archaeological Society Newsletter, number 139, April 2015
Sunbury and Shepperton Local History Society Journal, number 74, spring 2015
Sussex Archaeological Society’s e-newsletter, March, 2015
Sussex Archaeological Society’s e-newsletter, April, 2015
Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society Newsletter, number 166, April 2015
Sussex Mills Group Newsletter, number 166, April 2015
Surrey Archaeological Society Bulletin, number 450, April 2015
Surrey Hills e-newsletter, April 2015
West Wickham Commons Newsletter, issue 37, April 2015
Worcestershire Recorder, edition 91, spring 2015
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