"Medieval Communication Routes"

Saturday, June 12, 2010 - 11:00 to 17:15

A day conference on topics related to the development of medieval communication routes within the County of Surrey, focusing on roads, bridges, causeways etc.

The day will start with a general introduction by Prof John Blair, illustrated by his ongoing research along the valley of the Upper Thames. This will be followed by shorter presentations on specific examples within Surrey. The afternoon will conclude with an informal open session where indivdual research can be presented and discussed.

Further details have been mailed to existing members of the Forum and are now posted on this website. All members of the Surrey Archaeological Society are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Peter Balmer via e-mail on surreymedieval@googlemail.com. If you wish to join the Forum please contact Pamela Savage at medforum@hotmail.co.uk or 01483 768875

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Medieval Studies Forum
Postal Address: 
Surrey History Centre
130 Goldsworth Road
GU21 6ND