Medieval Studies Forum - Moated Sites and Churches in the Landscape

Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 10:00 to 16:15

A full day meeting of the Medieval Studies Forum and Villages Study Group, featuring presentations on various aspects of "Moated Sites" in the mornng and "Churches in the Landscape" in the afternoon. See programme attached for full details and the 'invitation' to offer displays, which gives further background to the two seminars. The programme of presentations is now full but further tabletop displays would be very welcome, whether large or small.

All are welcome at the meeting, the charge for which is £5, payable on the day. Please see note about notifying attendance beforehand to Brian Creese so that we have some idea of numbers for catering purposes.


Medieval Studies Forum
Villages Study Group
Postal Address: 
St Catherines Village Hall
Chestnut Avenue