Roman Studies AGM and talk by Ian Betts: Roman wall plaster from London

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 19:30 to 21:00

This meeting starts our winter series of lectures which run from October 2016 to March 2017. The dates for these lectures are as follows: 11th October, 8th November, 6th December, 3rd January, 7th February and 7th March.

Please note that the October and November meetings are taking place on the 2nd Tuesday of the month rather than the usual 1st Tuesday.

On 11th October we will be holding the AGM of the Roman Studies Group followed by a talk on Roman wall plaster from London by Ian Betts. Ian will be known to many of you as he has been involved in the analysis of tiles manufactured at Ashtead Roman villa, and has talked to the RSG and Surrey Archaeological Society on more than one occasion. 

Ian is one of MOLA’s Senior Finds Specialists, specialising in building materials. Since joining MOLA in 1982 Ian has been involved in the detailed examination of both stone and ceramic building material of all periods, in addition to the analysis of Roman painted wall plaster. This has involved detailed recording of building material from a very large number of London sites, the digitisation of this information and the subsequent analysis of the data. This analysis has been incorporated into a considerable number of MOLA publications, articles and archive reports [MOLA website].

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Roman Studies Group
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