Villages Study Group - Autumn Meeting Saturday 6th October 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 11:00 to 17:00

Villages Study Group

Autumn Meeting - Saturday 6th Ocotber 2012
10:00 am - 16:00 pm

Hambeldon Village Hall, Malthouse Lane, Hambledon


10.00 a.m.          Registration. Tea and Coffee available

10.25 a.m.          Welcome and Introduction by David Taylor

10.30 a.m.          ''Reading Documents''. Exploring sources and their use to enhance understanding of settlements - Dr. Catherine Ferguson

11.15 a.m.          ''Reading the Landscape'' - Dr. Judie English

12.00 Noon          Questions

12.30 p.m.           Lunch.  Packed lunches can be eaten at the Centre and tea and coffee will be available. There is one pub in the village approx. half a mile away. Alternatively, there are pubs at 
                            Chiddingfold and Witley.

1.45 p.m.             Optional: A short walk around part of Hambledon - Led by Audrey Monk

2.45 p.m.             Update on Hambeldon - Audrey Monk. Including contribution from Judie English suggesting the relevance of features in the landscape.

3.15 p.m.             General discussion - Questions and answers

3.45 p.m.             Plans for the future

4.00 p.m.             Close 
                                                                                               Cost for the day £6.00 per person payable on the day


                  Villages Study Meeting 6th October Hambeldon Village Hall, Malthouse Lane, Hambledon

Please pre-register by completing this form to 4 Downside Court, Downs Lane, Leatherhead, KT22 8JW. Email    Tel: 01372 374034

I/We will be attending the meeting                                     Number attending ...................................

Name...............................................................                   Email..................................................................................





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Villages Study Group
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