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Excavation by J Pine of TVAS on the site of the proposed University of Surrey expansion area. Three possible buildings, a four-post structure, isolated postholes, pits and gullies were recorded in one distinct area, together with isolated postholes, ditches and a gully. The majority of these features contained pottery, which was similar in type to that found during the 2002 evaluation, being of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date. A probable cremation burial of the same date was also recorded, with a further two cremations of probable later (potentially as late as Roman) date being identified elsewhere on site. Isolated features of likely Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date (including a possible midden deposit) were recorded in the surrounding area, although with a marked decrease in density, while a number of features of possible natural origin also were found containing pottery of similar type. Later features revealed included a post-medieval trackway and some modern rubbish pits. See TVAS monograph 11