

The address of our office is:

Surrey Archaeological Society
Castle Arch
Tel/Fax: 01483 532454


The office is usually staffed as follows:

Monday: 9.45 am - 4.45 pm
Tuesday: By arrangement
Wednesday: By arrangement
Thursday: 11 am - 3.30 pm
Friday : Closed

Closed: Bank Holidays 

Our office is situated in Guildford Museum and due to its shared nature cannot be visited on a casual basis.  Any potential visitors should arrange this beforehand with our Administrator and Assistant Librarian, Mrs Hannah Jeffery who can be contacted as above.

Our Library is now situated in our Abinger Research Centre. Arrangements for visiting the Library can be found here.

Honorary Officers:

The following officers may be contacted at the above address:

President: Dr D Bird
Secretary: Mr D Calow
Treasurer: Mr M A Edwards, FCA
Librarian: Vacancy
Editors: Mrs A C Graham; Ms S J Hill; Mr J Pile
Bulletin Editor: Dr A Sassin