
Charlwood Excavation 2017

A third season of excavation in Charlwood took place in March 2017. In an attempt to define the area of research interest six trenches were opened across the field from west to east. (See illustration of site layout). Five of these trenches revealed some archaeological evidence, confirming the existence of parallel ditches which can be followed for c.40m east to west on what is essentially the brow of the hill, and appear to define a southern boundary.

Call for volunteers - Excavation adjacent to Cocks Farm Roman villa, Abinger


Excavations will continue between in June and July 2017 in the field adjacent to Cocks Farm Roman villa. Previous seasons have uncovered intense Iron Age and Roman activity with grain storage pits, IA enclosure ditches, Roman field boundaries, agricultural gullies, the remains of ovens/hearths, IA cremations, Bronze Age and Iron Age ritual activity . If you are interested in joining us please contact Nikki Cowlard at

Charlwood Excavation 2016

Trench 3 being openedIn March 2016 further excavation took place in Charlwood. A trench (T3) was located across a magnetometry anomaly which appeared to be associated with the 'burnt bone' ditch revealed in 2014 (Bull 449). It had been decided that the 2014 feature needed some clarification to determine what the ditch might be related to, having been dated by both pottery analysis and C14 dating to the transition period of the Late Iron Age and early Roman Britain.

Bridge Farm excavation


Excavations at Bridge Farm will run this season from Monday 27th June till Sunday 21st August. They are seeking more diggers: there is an awful lot of work to do, and it is a fascinating site. Would those interested either contact David Millum or go onto the Culver Archaeological Project website and book on.


Plumpton Roman Villa


Plumpton Roman Villa: this summer another programme of research and training excavations will take place, starting Saturday 18th June and ending on Saturday 30th July. Project director: David Rudling. Volunteer excavation opportunities are available Monday-Friday throughout the digging season, 9.30am-5pm.

Excavation at Abinger Roman villa June-July 2016


The Roman Studies Group is organising another season of excavation at Abinger Roman villa. Work will concentrate in the field adjacent to the villa which has revealed evidence for extensive Iron Age activity.  

Dates will be as follows:13-15th June, 18-22nd June, 25-29th June, 4-6th July, 9-12th July. Priority will be given to SyAS members but non-members are welcome.

PG Survey work

The Prehistoric Group has arranged for two landscape surveys to take place during autumn 2015 to spring 2016, commencing in October. As usual they will be on Sundays (weather permitting). One is to continue work on what may be the remnants of a prehistoric field system on the North Downs near Chaldon; the other is the project in woods recently purchased by Caterham School where the late Peter Gray and Gwyneth Fookes suggested that a number of earthworks exist (Bull 268, 1992). The aim of this project is to assist Caterham School to develop a woodland management plan.

Woking test pitting


The Medforum has been offered the opportunity to dig three test pits in the garden of the Old Manor House (ie Rectory Manor).

This is a highly strategic site in the attempt to complete the sampling of the historic centre of Old Woking.

A number of experienced volunteers will be needed. Please contact Chris Hayward or Richard Savage either via the office or at




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