Guildford Castle, Guildford
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In 2016 a large magnetic anomaly was investigated during the Charlwood excavations and the linear feature partially revealed was tentatively interpreted as a charcoal burning clamp (Bull 457). Charcoal retrieved from this feature was subsequently sent for radiocarbon dating which has resulted in a date between AD1455-1645.
Some limited local history research into Charlwood during these dates has allowed this feature to be provisionally set in context.
A Serjeant-at-Arms from the Tower of London visits Ewell to tell you how you become a Knight. Sent away from home at the age of 7 to the castle of a wealthy Lord, you will begin your training as a Page learning combat skills and horsemanship until you are 14. Between then and 21 you become a squire, capable of engaging in battle and if you fight bravely you may be made a Knight.
Our visitor will bring weapons for you to master and teach you how to defend and attack a castle.
Talk by Dr Anne Sassin, Surrey Hills
42nd Series of Industrial Archaeology Lectures in Guildford (Map).
Single lectures £5, payable on the night.
Enquiries to Bob Bryson,
A lecture by Dr Catherine Ferguson and a chance to visit the newly restored Chapel attached to St Nicolas’ Church, Guildford
Tuesday 23 May 2017, 7:30pm, St Nicolas’ Church Community Centre, Bury Street, Guildford.
Suggested donation £5
Richmond Archaeological Society is organising a summer outing to the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum. Members/non-members welcome. For more details of itinerary and cost please contact:
A meeting on the topic of Medieval Industries will take place at The Octagon in Godalming. Speakers will inlcude Dr David Dungworth from Historic England, Doug Irvine and Ian West. Further details will be circulated to members of the Forum and posted on the website in due course.
The meeting will also include the AGM of the Medieval Studies Forum.
A study day has been arranged to Kingston upon Thames.
The day begins with a visit to the Lovekyn Chapel. This is followed by a talk on Anglo-Saxon Kingston, a tour of All Saints Church, and a guided town walk with a stop off to view the remains of Kingston's medieval bridge. Please see the attached programme and application form for further details.