

71–73 High Street, Guildford

Conclusion of archaeological monitoring by J Pine of TVAS, following evaluation and excavation in 2001 and 2002. Little of interest was noted during piling activities on the site, although possible medieval features were recorded in excavations to create lift pits, and underpinning works revealed a chalk block wall of potential medieval date.

1–35 and 55–66 Thamesmead, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU in advance of the first phase of residential redevelopment revealed a small number of unstratified struck and burnt flints, unstratified fragments of medieval/post-medieval roof tile, and a Roman cremation burial contained within an Alice Holt plain jar of late 2nd/3rd century date. It is possible that further cremations and other forms of burial may survive within the redevelopment area, and further archaeological work is planned.

Charlwood Charcoal Clamp

In 2016 a large magnetic anomaly was investigated during the Charlwood excavations and the linear feature partially revealed was tentatively interpreted as a charcoal burning clamp (Bull 457). Charcoal retrieved from this feature was subsequently sent for radiocarbon dating which has resulted in a date between AD1455-1645.

Some limited local history research into Charlwood during these dates has allowed this feature to be provisionally set in context.

Knight School


A Serjeant-at-Arms from the Tower of London visits Ewell to tell you how you become a Knight. Sent away from home at the age of 7 to the castle of a wealthy Lord, you will begin your training as a Page learning combat skills and horsemanship until you are 14. Between then and 21 you become a squire, capable of engaging in battle and if you fight bravely you may be made a Knight.

Our visitor will bring weapons for you to master and teach you how to defend and attack a castle.

Medieval Studies Forum Meeting - Medieval Industries


A meeting on the topic of Medieval Industries will take place at The Octagon in Godalming. Speakers will inlcude Dr David Dungworth from Historic England, Doug Irvine and Ian West. Further details will be circulated to members of the Forum and posted on the website in due course.

The meeting will also include the AGM of the Medieval Studies Forum.


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