

Medieval Studies Forum Meeting - "Surrey, Town & Country"


The Medieval Studies Forum will meet in Cobham Village Hall. The programme (attached) includes a variety of presentations together with discussions and debate on the contribution on the Saxon and post-conquest periods that the Forum will present to the Surrey Historic Environment Research Framework (SHERF)  Conference in the autumn.

Esher Test Pitting


There will be test pitting at Esher Church of England High School on Saturday and Sunday 26 and 27 October. The project will be looking for the remains of a medieval settlement that used to exist on the school grounds. These dates and times are subject to confirmation by the School and to that extent  provisional. Volunteers will be called for as soon as confirmation has been obtained.

Woking Palace Excavations


There are opportunities for both experienced diggers and beginners to participate in this years excavations at Woking Palace. There are also opportunities to try finds processing.Work is expected to take place on site from Wednesday to Sunday in each of the weeks.
Please see the attached application form. Hannah Potter of SCAU will be co-ordinating the allocation of places.

To see reports of previous seasons of excavations at Woking Palace go to


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