
Surrey Archaeological Societies' Research Group

Annual Symposium


The programme for the Annual Symposium of the Society has been prepared and is listed here. A booking form pdf is attached.


10.00 Chair: Catherine Ferguson

10.10 Peopling the Heath: barrowscapes around the Rother valley at the apex of the Weald: Stuart Needham

                                                 10.55 COFFEE/TEA

SHERF 16: Research Revisited


The annual Research Framework conference will be followed by the Society AGM. The programme will be as follows and a booking form is attached as a pdf.

09.30   Registration

10.00    Opening remarks: Chair, Emma Corke

10.10      New insights into the prehistoric ceramics from Weston Wood, Albury: Michael Russell

10.45      Coffee

11.15      Surrey Greensand hillforts: Judie English

11.45    Understanding Lowther's excavation of Ashtead Roman Villa: David Bird

12.15    Discussion

12.30   Lunch

Annual Symposium


The Research Committee has arranged the Annual Symposium for 2015 to include a range of speakers on Surrey topics. Prof. Alan Crocker will also be demonstrating papermaking during the lunch break. Displays from groups will be on show and new exhibitors are welcome. As usual the displays will have the chance to be judged for the Margary Award. A full programme is listed here:


10.00 Chair:

10.05 Recent finds in Surrey: FLO: David Williams

Excavation Recording Manual

The Research Committee is keen that our members should follow high standards of excavation recording and therefore wishes to encourage all to follow a standard system which will achieve the desired standards. There are many suites of documents in use but most follow a similar approach which is based on the identification, recording and ordering of the stratigraphic relationship of “contexts”. The Committee has agreed to recommend the use of the system currently used by the Roman Studies Group which has been developed and used over a number of years by Society members who consulted, amongst other sources, the Essex County Council and Museum of London Archaeology Service manuals.  


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