
Medieval Studies Forum and Villages Study Group Joint Meeting - Test pitting and Villages Studies


Dr Carenza Lewis, well known from television in programmes such as Time Team and more recently Michael Woods’ series on Kidworth, has agreed to give the keynote presentation at a joint meeting of the Medieval Studies Forum and the Villages Study Group on Saturday 12th March 2011.

"Medieval Communication Routes"


A day conference on topics related to the development of medieval communication routes within the County of Surrey, focusing on roads, bridges, causeways etc.

The day will start with a general introduction by Prof John Blair, illustrated by his ongoing research along the valley of the Upper Thames. This will be followed by shorter presentations on specific examples within Surrey. The afternoon will conclude with an informal open session where indivdual research can be presented and discussed.

SERIAC 2010 - South East Region Industrial Archaeology Conference - Wings, Wheels & Water


The South East Regional Industrial Archaeology Conference (SERIAC) is an annual one-day conference.
There will be six lectures and also displays by participating society and publishers' stands.
This year the event is being hosted by the Surrey Industrial History Group.
Click here for further details.


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