
Castles and Church Towers


The Medieval Studies Forum has arranged a meeting at the Leatherhead Institute on the topic of 'Castles and Church Towers'. Full details have been sent to members. Speakers include Michael Shapland and Terry Carlysle plus a number of Forum members. The day will also include a presentation by Jo Richards on the recently completed Villages Study Project looking at Esher.

The full programme for the day is attached. The cost is £9 per person, payable on the day. All are welcome. Please register your interest with Brian Creese (contact details on the attached programme).

Annual Symposium


The Annual Symposium of Surrey Archaeological Society

This annual spring meeting will present a round-up of recent work in Surrey and by the Society. This symposium will end at 3.30pm and will be followed by a session free to all members of the Society to discuss the future plans for the Society. The full programme is available to view below with a booking form as a pdf.

Medieval Studies Forum - Moated Sites and Churches in the Landscape


A full day meeting of the Medieval Studies Forum and Villages Study Group, featuring presentations on various aspects of "Moated Sites" in the mornng and "Churches in the Landscape" in the afternoon. See programme attached for full details and the 'invitation' to offer displays, which gives further background to the two seminars. The programme of presentations is now full but further tabletop displays would be very welcome, whether large or small.

Surrey in the Age of Magna Carta


An exciting day of talks exploring the significance of Magna Carta and the history of Surrey in the thirteenth century.

Speakers: Professor Nigel Saul, Rob Poulton, Dr David Stone, Dr Naomi Sykes and Professor David Carpenter.

Organised by Surrey Heritage. Tickets for the day, including tea and coffee, are £15 and available from Surrey History Centre, in person or by phone on 01483 518737 or via the website

See attached flyer for further details.

Medieval Studies Forum - Meeting "Village Life" & AGM


This meeting of the Medieval Studies Forum will look at a variety of aspects of village life in the medieval period. Professor Chris Woolgar will look at Food and the Medieval Peasantry while Dr Rupert Goulding, Regional Curator of the National Trust, will talk on the Manor House at Horton Court in Gloucestershire which was created from a Norman hall.

Death, Disease and Damnation


The theme for the Local History Committee’s annual symposium next year will be 'Death, Disease and Damnation' exploring attitudes to death and its causes, belief, burial and commemoration. It will be attended by local historians from across Surrey and local history societies put on displays.The Gravett Award will be presented to the group presenting the best display.

If you would like to reserve display space (which is free) please contact Glenys Crocker,6 Burwood Close, Guildford GU1 2SB; 01483 565821;

Annual Symposium


The Research Committee has arranged the Annual Symposium for 2015 to include a range of speakers on Surrey topics. Prof. Alan Crocker will also be demonstrating papermaking during the lunch break. Displays from groups will be on show and new exhibitors are welcome. As usual the displays will have the chance to be judged for the Margary Award. A full programme is listed here:


10.00 Chair:

10.05 Recent finds in Surrey: FLO: David Williams


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